Lab members
Prof. Asano's Lab, Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
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Akira Asano(浅野 晃), Professor
Various research topics!

Prof. Asano's Lab, Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University




Chihiro Umeda(梅田 ちひろ)
Miyabi Ohnishi(大西 都陽)
Chihiro Omura(小村 千尋)
Miyu Kuramoto(倉本 美優)
Kana Koyashiki(小屋敷 香奈)
Chihiro Shibata(芝田 千寿)
Rio Shibata(志村 梨央)
Yuuka Seike(清家 優花)
Mizuki Yamaguchi(山口 光稀)
Souma Yoshida(吉田 壮真)
Risa Ryosenan(了泉庵 里紗)
Yohta Watanabe(渡邉 陽太)


Kota Okada(岡田 光太)
Shu Okuda(奥田 春羽)
Takuto Kondo(近藤 巧都)
Aruse Sato(佐藤 侑琉星)
Yuka Matsuda(松田 祐佳)
Maho Morikawa(森川 真帆)
Miu Watanabe(渡邉 美羽)
Guanming Yu(于 冠鳴)
Hanyadai Wang(王 涵雅黛)
Zuoyu Zhang(張 佐宇)
Sota Inohara(猪原 颯太)
Yuya Kuroda(黒田 裕也) (on leave in SY2024)


- Theses are written in Japanese.


BA, Mar. 2025

Saya Itoh(伊藤 沙弥)
Change in impression by the combination of colors and shapes
Chika Itoh(伊藤 千佳)
Influence of backgrounds on object color estimation<
Momoa Oki(沖 桃愛)
group concepts observed in the CD jacket design of female idol groups
Hazuki Kagimoto(鍵本 葉月)
Relationships between the colors that evoke spiciness and the colors of existing curry packages
Izumi Kitayama(北山 泉美)
Effect of color arrangements on guiding gazes
Runa Sakamoto(坂本 琉月)
Effect of plate colors on the visual attractiveness of foods
Kai Tange(丹下 魁)
Influence of additional titles and descriptions on the preferences of music
Ryuki Tsuji(辻 隆希)
Color trends of movie genres and the attractive color usages of movie posters
Shiho Fukuju(福壽 志穂)
Characters with high visibility even at long distances
Gohki Meigata(銘形 剛希)
Production of subway maps that consider color discrimination by color sense minorities
Kotoko Yamane(山根 古都子)
Impression of people and lighting and cloth colors
Yuki Nakagawa(中川 裕喜)
Color arrangements and production intent of fishing lures
Hiroki Tanaka(田中 宏樹)
Colors and surface textures showing clarity

MA, Mar. 2024

Xinyue Tang(唐 心悦)
Influences of color and music to impressions on animation and movies

BA, Mar. 2024

Hinano Abe(阿部 緋奈乃)
Dressing and acting of music fans for being recognized by stage artists
Fuka Inagaki(稲垣 風香)
Effects of colors on the visibility of icons
Mitsuki Ohmaru(大丸 美津妃)
Motivation and item color
Nagisa Okabe(岡部 凪咲)
Influence of shape, color, and texture on visibility
Mizuki Kawai(河合 瑞月)
Different perceptions of internet singers and idols and their popularity
Yu Shimada(島田 侑)
Effects of color and shape on the perception of area
Miku Shimoda(下田 実来)
Effect of colors in movie thumbnails
Kanon Jitosho(地頭所 佳音)
Gender impression from colors, shapes, and fonts
Yui Tsujikawa(辻川 ゆい)
Effect of background color on human facial expressions
Ayaka Terao(寺尾 文伽)
Types of characterization and color in fiction stories
Wataru Maruyama(円山 航)
Memorability of color compositions
Hisa Miyamae(宮前 ひさ)
User interface design and perception of action on touch screens
Kaisei Watanabe(渡邊 開世)
Visual margin preference and behavior

BA, Mar. 2023

Taichi Ariizumi(有泉 太地)
Influences of colors to product packages
Mana Okabayashi(岡林 茉那)
Colors of costume and personal characters
Genki Ogura(小倉 元喜)
Influences of shapes to color impressions
Sohta Kawamoto(川本 颯太)
Character recognition and colors of characters and backgrounds
Yasuko Sakai(坂井 靖子)
Colors and brightness associated with characters' hair styles
Daichi Sasagawa(笹川 大地)
Impressions in paintings and screen brightness
Sara Shibuya(渋谷 紗良)
Conflicting attractiveness effects of shapes and colors
Midori Takemoto(竹本 翠)
Association between lipstick color choice and psychological state
Momoka Yamawaki(山脇 萌々華)
Effects of verbal explanation on impressions of musical works
Ayana Yoshida(吉田 綾菜)
Relationship between the number of views and the gaze from the person in the thumbnail image in vocaloid videos
Yusuke Kawatsura(川面 佑介)
Effects of background colors to estimation of action
Shiho Kadoguchi(門口 詩歩) (quit on Oct. 2023)
Costume and psychology, prefectural characteristics of color in Japan

BA, Mar. 2022

Arisa Izaki(井崎 有紗)
Relationships between shapes and colors in drawing
Marimo Okamura(岡村 茉莉百)
Harmony between contexts by shapes and colors
Yuria Kajimoto(梶本 侑莉亜)
Recognition methods of objects - color, surface texture, and shape
Yuta Kasutani(粕谷 勇太)
Object colors and human response time
Tomomi Kimura(木村 智美)
Acceptance of colors in various situations
Yuki Kunitomo(国友 佑樹)
Key transposition of music and visual impressions
Naoki Takahashi(髙橋 尚希)
Sound effects and color impressions
Kenta Togo(藤後 健太)
Effects of colors and surface texture to classiness of packages
Marina Nakamura(中村 真梨奈)
How to get more subscribers of singers' movies on YouTube?
Michiko Nakamura(中村 美智子)
Differences in color recognition and color names by Chinese characters between China and Japan
Yuto Fujii(藤井 悠斗)
Relationships between categories and color arrangements in advertisements
Ayano Murashima(村島 彩乃)
Relationships between onomatopes and colors in mangas
Nami Yamauchi(山内 菜未)
Expressing concepts by shapes and colors
Azumi Yamakawa(山川 あずみ)
Requirements of medical social workers
Renri Inoue(井上 蓮里)
Differences of impressions in colors on packages of cosmetics in Japan and Korea

BA, Mar. 2021

Chika Ohara(大原 智香)
Restriction on colors by common knowledge and meanings by colors
Moeko Ogawa(小川 萌子)
Temporal variation of interference colors and human impressions
Takeru Kikuchi(菊池 タケル)
Relationship between colors of characters and the short-term memory
Ayaka Shimura(志村 綾香)
Psychological effect of red color in selection problems
Akari Shoji(庄司 朱里)
Modern linguistic expression on colors
Yuna Sugihara(杉原 夕菜)
Recent trends of color preferences on accessories
Rina Takahashi(高橋 理菜)
Recognition of slight tilt of line objects
Mirei Takigawa(瀧川 美鈴)
Shapes of eyewares and progress of technology viewed from historical and experimental studies
Yuma Tsuboi(坪井 裕真)
Common impressions on colors associated with paired concepts
Rieko Nakanishi(中西 里永子)
Relationship between impression of colors and situations
Nao Nishimura(西村 菜桜)
Continuously varying color contrasts and color harmony / disharmony
Chisato Hiyama(桧山 千紗都)
Trends of fonts in logotypes
Mari Fukui(福井 鞠)
Difference between sympbols and reality on familiar items
Rina Matsushita(松下 莉奈)
Relationships between recognitions by colors and by shapes
Jo Morikawa(森川 丞)
Context effect on image recognition
Kasumi Yamauchi(山内 夏澄)
Effect of hidden colors in clothes

BA, Mar. 2020

Nanomi Anzako(庵逧 菜実)
Variation of color tones and human recognition of hues
Ayame Oimatsu(老松 あやめ)
Influences of impressions of colors on movie editting
Mako Ohori(大堀 真子)
Relationship between color and types of fear on package illustrations of horror movies
Kota Kido(木戸 皓太)
Relationship between variations of the velocity of movies and human interests
Ayana Konoike(鴻池 采奈)
Characteristics of guide maps for intuitive recognitions of geographical directions
Shiho Saito(齋藤 志穂)
White as preferred color in Japanese culture
Junya Takashima(高島 隼也)
Color attractiveness and geometrical adjacency
Misaki Takahashi(髙橋 美咲)
Human behaviour caused by unusefulness
Natsumi Horiki(宝力 なつみ)
Historical observation of colors in advertisement posters
Tomoka Minami(南 朋花)
Influences of social assignment of colors to genders on personal color preferences
Hana Morihiro(森廣 華)
Visual movements of objects and human responses
Shunsuke Yagi(八木 駿輔)
Relationship between characters and colors on grapheme-color synesthesia
Kengo Yamamoto(山本 謙吾)
Human recognition of regular polygons
Sasuke Nakata(中田 流) (quit on Dec. 2018)

MA, Mar. 2017

Nguyen Hung An
Regularity and predictability of curves and human affectiveness
Ayana Deguchi(出口 絢那)
Physiological and psychological reactions in preferences of colors

BA, Mar. 2017

Assigned in Apr. 2014

Mako Sunayama(砂山 真子)
Relationships between visual, haptic, and mechanical characters on various white textile materials.

Assigned in Apr. 2015

Arata Akihisa(穐久 新)
Color arrangements in illustrations and impressions
Keigo Kanetsuna(兼綱 啓伍)
Extraction of trabeculi from mandibles in dental panoramic radiographs
Nana Shirogane(白銀 奈々)
Temporal transition of chords and evoked colors
Sonoka Takada(高田 苑佳)
Effect of densities of yarns and characteristics of materials to visual impressions of textiles
Shinji Tatsumi(巽 真治)
Effect of temporal transition of color arrangements to human impressions
Misaki Maeda(前田 美咲)
Perception of color saturation in photos — How humans find naturality of colors
Misaki Yamada(山田 美紗季)
Human visual affection from the viewpoints of shapes and color assignments
Shin Yamamoto(山本 慎)
Effect of disturbances of stimulus arrangements in visual search
Yuri Yoshii(吉井 佑里)
Relationships between color categorizations and interests to colors

BA, Mar. 2016

Assingned in Apr. 2014

Michinaga Tanaka(田中 道詠)
Effect of impression of music on visual expressions
Tohru Nakamae(中前 徹)
Physiological responses to chromatic illumination
Shugo Mihara(三原 脩吾)
Effect of colors on memorization of symbols
Masafumi Yoshimura(吉村 雅史)
Influences of colors to human emotion — Does blue sky make humans lively?
Arika Nishiza(西座 有香)
Dependance of colorization on skill of painting

BA, Mar. 2015

Assigned in Apr. 2012

Yoshiki Kitayama(北山 慎基)
Can hate emotions to foods in blue be relieved?

Assigned in Apr. 2013

Ayana Deguchi(出口 絢那)
Connection between colors and concepts
Nao Murakami(村上 奈央)
Relationship between age estimates on skin and local variation of illumination

BA, Mar. 2014

Assigned in Apr. 2012

Ryoma Imae(今江 亮馬)
Experimental tests on stroop effect — on perceptual elements on safety and danger
Nanae Ohkita(大北 菜々恵)
Experimental research on relationships between colors and impressions
Yasunari Kanzawa(神澤 泰成)
Analysis of texture images — utilization of the maximum particle size
Kohki Kirihara(切原 光貴)
Analysis of texture images — utilization of image segments
Risa Hirota(廣田 里紗)
Experimental research on visual feel of fabrics
Rika Watanabe(渡辺 莉加)
Experimental research on relationships between colors and preferences of foods
Jin Zhao(金 朝)
Analysis of texture images — utilization of restricted size means


Image Statistics Laboratory, Department of Information Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University (- 2011)

I was in Hiroshima University from Apr. 1998 to Sep. 2011. The Ph.D. candidates who were left in Hiroshima Univ. after I had moved to Kansai Univ. belonged to Professor Takio Kurita's Lab, and I also supervised them.


Alumni (Ph.D.)

Xiaoying Guo (郭 小英)(Entered to the Ph.D. course in Oct. 2010, and received Ph.D. in Sep. 2013)
Modeling the perception of visual complexity of texture images and painting images.
(Currently, Associate Professor, Leader of the Computer Vision Research Group, School of Software Engineering, Shanxi University, China) [Web site]
Muthu Subash Kavitha (Entered to the Ph.D. course in Apr. 2009, and received Ph.D. in Jun. 2012)
Automatic system for diagnosing osteoporosis based on dental panoramic radiographs using statistical classification techniques.
(Currently, JSPS research fellow, Kurita Lab., Hiroshima University [Researchgate])
Liang Li (李 亮)(Entered to the Master course in Apr. 2006, and received Ph.D. in Mar. 2011)
Texture Analysis Based on Human Visual Perception and Mathematical Morphology.
(Currently, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University) [Web site]
Febriliyan Samopa (Entered to the Ph.D. course in Oct. 2006, and received Ph.D. in Nov. 2009)
Tooth Shape Measurement on Dental Radiographs for Forensic Personal Identification.
(Currently, Chair of the Departement of Information System, Faculty of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia) [Researchgate]
Agus Zainal Arifin (Entered to the Ph.D. course in Apr. 2004, and received Ph.D. in Mar. 2007)
Development of Computer-Aided System for Diagnosing Osteoporosis Using Dental Panoramic Radiographs.
(Currently, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia) [Web site]
Yang Lei (楊 磊)(Entered to the Ph.D. course in Apr. 2010, and quit the course in Sep. 2012)
(Published paper) L. Yang, A. Asano, L. Li, C. Muraki Asano, and T. Kurita, "Multi-structural Texture Analysis Using Mathematical Morphology," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E95-A, 10, 1759-1767 (2012. 10).