- Akira Asano(浅野 晃), Professor
- Various research topics!
Prof. Asano's Lab, Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
- Chihiro Umeda(梅田 ちひろ)
- Miyabi Ohnishi(大西 都陽)
- Chihiro Omura(小村 千尋)
- Miyu Kuramoto(倉本 美優)
- Kana Koyashiki(小屋敷 香奈)
- Chihiro Shibata(芝田 千寿)
- Rio Shibata(志村 梨央)
- Yuuka Seike(清家 優花)
- Mizuki Yamaguchi(山口 光稀)
- Souma Yoshida(吉田 壮真)
- Risa Ryosenan(了泉庵 里紗)
- Yohta Watanabe(渡邉 陽太)
- Kota Okada(岡田 光太)
- Shu Okuda(奥田 春羽)
- Takuto Kondo(近藤 巧都)
- Aruse Sato(佐藤 侑琉星)
- Yuka Matsuda(松田 祐佳)
- Maho Morikawa(森川 真帆)
- Miu Watanabe(渡邉 美羽)
- Guanming Yu(于 冠鳴)
- Hanyadai Wang(王 涵雅黛)
- Zuoyu Zhang(張 佐宇)
- Sota Inohara(猪原 颯太)
- Yuya Kuroda(黒田 裕也) (on leave in SY2024)
- Theses are written in Japanese.
BA, Mar. 2025
- Saya Itoh(伊藤 沙弥)
- Change in impression by the combination of colors and shapes
- Chika Itoh(伊藤 千佳)
- Influence of backgrounds on object color estimation<
- Momoa Oki(沖 桃愛)
- group concepts observed in the CD jacket design of female idol groups
- Hazuki Kagimoto(鍵本 葉月)
- Relationships between the colors that evoke spiciness and the colors of existing curry packages
- Izumi Kitayama(北山 泉美)
- Effect of color arrangements on guiding gazes
- Runa Sakamoto(坂本 琉月)
- Effect of plate colors on the visual attractiveness of foods
- Kai Tange(丹下 魁)
- Influence of additional titles and descriptions on the preferences of music
- Ryuki Tsuji(辻 隆希)
- Color trends of movie genres and the attractive color usages of movie posters
- Shiho Fukuju(福壽 志穂)
- Characters with high visibility even at long distances
- Gohki Meigata(銘形 剛希)
- Production of subway maps that consider color discrimination by color sense minorities
- Kotoko Yamane(山根 古都子)
- Impression of people and lighting and cloth colors
- Yuki Nakagawa(中川 裕喜)
- Color arrangements and production intent of fishing lures
- Hiroki Tanaka(田中 宏樹)
- Colors and surface textures showing clarity
MA, Mar. 2024
- Xinyue Tang(唐 心悦)
- Influences of color and music to impressions on animation and movies
BA, Mar. 2024
- Hinano Abe(阿部 緋奈乃)
- Dressing and acting of music fans for being recognized by stage artists
- Fuka Inagaki(稲垣 風香)
- Effects of colors on the visibility of icons
- Mitsuki Ohmaru(大丸 美津妃)
- Motivation and item color
- Nagisa Okabe(岡部 凪咲)
- Influence of shape, color, and texture on visibility
- Mizuki Kawai(河合 瑞月)
- Different perceptions of internet singers and idols and their popularity
- Yu Shimada(島田 侑)
- Effects of color and shape on the perception of area
- Miku Shimoda(下田 実来)
- Effect of colors in movie thumbnails
- Kanon Jitosho(地頭所 佳音)
- Gender impression from colors, shapes, and fonts
- Yui Tsujikawa(辻川 ゆい)
- Effect of background color on human facial expressions
- Ayaka Terao(寺尾 文伽)
- Types of characterization and color in fiction stories
- Wataru Maruyama(円山 航)
- Memorability of color compositions
- Hisa Miyamae(宮前 ひさ)
- User interface design and perception of action on touch screens
- Kaisei Watanabe(渡邊 開世)
- Visual margin preference and behavior
BA, Mar. 2023
- Taichi Ariizumi(有泉 太地)
- Influences of colors to product packages
- Mana Okabayashi(岡林 茉那)
- Colors of costume and personal characters
- Genki Ogura(小倉 元喜)
- Influences of shapes to color impressions
- Sohta Kawamoto(川本 颯太)
- Character recognition and colors of characters and backgrounds
- Yasuko Sakai(坂井 靖子)
- Colors and brightness associated with characters' hair styles
- Daichi Sasagawa(笹川 大地)
- Impressions in paintings and screen brightness
- Sara Shibuya(渋谷 紗良)
- Conflicting attractiveness effects of shapes and colors
- Midori Takemoto(竹本 翠)
- Association between lipstick color choice and psychological state
- Momoka Yamawaki(山脇 萌々華)
- Effects of verbal explanation on impressions of musical works
- Ayana Yoshida(吉田 綾菜)
- Relationship between the number of views and the gaze from the person in the thumbnail image in vocaloid videos
- Yusuke Kawatsura(川面 佑介)
- Effects of background colors to estimation of action
- Shiho Kadoguchi(門口 詩歩) (quit on Oct. 2023)
- Costume and psychology, prefectural characteristics of color in Japan
BA, Mar. 2022
- Arisa Izaki(井崎 有紗)
- Relationships between shapes and colors in drawing
- Marimo Okamura(岡村 茉莉百)
- Harmony between contexts by shapes and colors
- Yuria Kajimoto(梶本 侑莉亜)
- Recognition methods of objects - color, surface texture, and shape
- Yuta Kasutani(粕谷 勇太)
- Object colors and human response time
- Tomomi Kimura(木村 智美)
- Acceptance of colors in various situations
- Yuki Kunitomo(国友 佑樹)
- Key transposition of music and visual impressions
- Naoki Takahashi(髙橋 尚希)
- Sound effects and color impressions
- Kenta Togo(藤後 健太)
- Effects of colors and surface texture to classiness of packages
- Marina Nakamura(中村 真梨奈)
- How to get more subscribers of singers' movies on YouTube?
- Michiko Nakamura(中村 美智子)
- Differences in color recognition and color names by Chinese characters between China and Japan
- Yuto Fujii(藤井 悠斗)
- Relationships between categories and color arrangements in advertisements
- Ayano Murashima(村島 彩乃)
- Relationships between onomatopes and colors in mangas
- Nami Yamauchi(山内 菜未)
- Expressing concepts by shapes and colors
- Azumi Yamakawa(山川 あずみ)
- Requirements of medical social workers
- Renri Inoue(井上 蓮里)
- Differences of impressions in colors on packages of cosmetics in Japan and Korea
BA, Mar. 2021
- Chika Ohara(大原 智香)
- Restriction on colors by common knowledge and meanings by colors
- Moeko Ogawa(小川 萌子)
- Temporal variation of interference colors and human impressions
- Takeru Kikuchi(菊池 タケル)
- Relationship between colors of characters and the short-term memory
- Ayaka Shimura(志村 綾香)
- Psychological effect of red color in selection problems
- Akari Shoji(庄司 朱里)
- Modern linguistic expression on colors
- Yuna Sugihara(杉原 夕菜)
- Recent trends of color preferences on accessories
- Rina Takahashi(高橋 理菜)
- Recognition of slight tilt of line objects
- Mirei Takigawa(瀧川 美鈴)
- Shapes of eyewares and progress of technology viewed from historical and experimental studies
- Yuma Tsuboi(坪井 裕真)
- Common impressions on colors associated with paired concepts
- Rieko Nakanishi(中西 里永子)
- Relationship between impression of colors and situations
- Nao Nishimura(西村 菜桜)
- Continuously varying color contrasts and color harmony / disharmony
- Chisato Hiyama(桧山 千紗都)
- Trends of fonts in logotypes
- Mari Fukui(福井 鞠)
- Difference between sympbols and reality on familiar items
- Rina Matsushita(松下 莉奈)
- Relationships between recognitions by colors and by shapes
- Jo Morikawa(森川 丞)
- Context effect on image recognition
- Kasumi Yamauchi(山内 夏澄)
- Effect of hidden colors in clothes
BA, Mar. 2020
- Nanomi Anzako(庵逧 菜実)
- Variation of color tones and human recognition of hues
- Ayame Oimatsu(老松 あやめ)
- Influences of impressions of colors on movie editting
- Mako Ohori(大堀 真子)
- Relationship between color and types of fear on package illustrations of horror movies
- Kota Kido(木戸 皓太)
- Relationship between variations of the velocity of movies and human interests
- Ayana Konoike(鴻池 采奈)
- Characteristics of guide maps for intuitive recognitions of geographical directions
- Shiho Saito(齋藤 志穂)
- White as preferred color in Japanese culture
- Junya Takashima(高島 隼也)
- Color attractiveness and geometrical adjacency
- Misaki Takahashi(髙橋 美咲)
- Human behaviour caused by unusefulness
- Natsumi Horiki(宝力 なつみ)
- Historical observation of colors in advertisement posters
- Tomoka Minami(南 朋花)
- Influences of social assignment of colors to genders on personal color preferences
- Hana Morihiro(森廣 華)
- Visual movements of objects and human responses
- Shunsuke Yagi(八木 駿輔)
- Relationship between characters and colors on grapheme-color synesthesia
- Kengo Yamamoto(山本 謙吾)
- Human recognition of regular polygons
- Sasuke Nakata(中田 流) (quit on Dec. 2018)
MA, Mar. 2017
- Nguyen Hung An
Regularity and predictability of curves and human affectiveness
- Ayana Deguchi(出口 絢那)
Physiological and psychological reactions in preferences of colors
BA, Mar. 2017
Assigned in Apr. 2014
- Mako Sunayama(砂山 真子)
- Relationships between visual, haptic, and mechanical characters on various white textile materials.
Assigned in Apr. 2015
- Arata Akihisa(穐久 新)
- Color arrangements in illustrations and impressions
- Keigo Kanetsuna(兼綱 啓伍)
- Extraction of trabeculi from mandibles in dental panoramic radiographs
- Nana Shirogane(白銀 奈々)
- Temporal transition of chords and evoked colors
- Sonoka Takada(高田 苑佳)
- Effect of densities of yarns and characteristics of materials to visual impressions of textiles
- Shinji Tatsumi(巽 真治)
- Effect of temporal transition of color arrangements to human impressions
- Misaki Maeda(前田 美咲)
- Perception of color saturation in photos — How humans find naturality of colors
- Misaki Yamada(山田 美紗季)
- Human visual affection from the viewpoints of shapes and color assignments
- Shin Yamamoto(山本 慎)
- Effect of disturbances of stimulus arrangements in visual search
- Yuri Yoshii(吉井 佑里)
- Relationships between color categorizations and interests to colors
BA, Mar. 2016
Assingned in Apr. 2014
- Michinaga Tanaka(田中 道詠)
- Effect of impression of music on visual expressions
- Tohru Nakamae(中前 徹)
- Physiological responses to chromatic illumination
- Shugo Mihara(三原 脩吾)
- Effect of colors on memorization of symbols
- Masafumi Yoshimura(吉村 雅史)
- Influences of colors to human emotion — Does blue sky make humans lively?
- Arika Nishiza(西座 有香)
- Dependance of colorization on skill of painting
BA, Mar. 2015
Assigned in Apr. 2012
- Yoshiki Kitayama(北山 慎基)
- Can hate emotions to foods in blue be relieved?
Assigned in Apr. 2013
- Ayana Deguchi(出口 絢那)
- Connection between colors and concepts
- Nao Murakami(村上 奈央)
- Relationship between age estimates on skin and local variation of illumination
BA, Mar. 2014
Assigned in Apr. 2012
- Ryoma Imae(今江 亮馬)
- Experimental tests on stroop effect — on perceptual elements on safety and danger
- Nanae Ohkita(大北 菜々恵)
- Experimental research on relationships between colors and impressions
- Yasunari Kanzawa(神澤 泰成)
- Analysis of texture images — utilization of the maximum particle size
- Kohki Kirihara(切原 光貴)
- Analysis of texture images — utilization of image segments
- Risa Hirota(廣田 里紗)
- Experimental research on visual feel of fabrics
- Rika Watanabe(渡辺 莉加)
- Experimental research on relationships between colors and preferences of foods
- Jin Zhao(金 朝)
- Analysis of texture images — utilization of restricted size means
Image Statistics Laboratory, Department of Information Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University (- 2011)
I was in Hiroshima University from Apr. 1998 to Sep. 2011. The Ph.D. candidates who were left in Hiroshima Univ. after I had moved to Kansai Univ. belonged to Professor Takio Kurita's Lab, and I also supervised them.
Alumni (Ph.D.)
- Xiaoying Guo (郭 小英)(Entered to the Ph.D. course in Oct. 2010, and received Ph.D. in Sep. 2013)
- Modeling the perception of visual complexity of texture images and painting images.
- (Currently, Associate Professor, Leader of the Computer Vision Research Group, School of Software Engineering, Shanxi University, China) [Web site]
- Muthu Subash Kavitha (Entered to the Ph.D. course in Apr. 2009, and received Ph.D. in Jun. 2012)
- Automatic system for diagnosing osteoporosis based on dental panoramic radiographs using statistical classification techniques.
- (Currently, JSPS research fellow, Kurita Lab., Hiroshima University [Researchgate])
- Liang Li (李 亮)(Entered to the Master course in Apr. 2006, and received Ph.D. in Mar. 2011)
- Texture Analysis Based on Human Visual Perception and Mathematical Morphology.
- (Currently, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University) [Web site]
- Febriliyan Samopa (Entered to the Ph.D. course in Oct. 2006, and received Ph.D. in Nov. 2009)
- Tooth Shape Measurement on Dental Radiographs for Forensic Personal Identification.
- (Currently, Chair of the Departement of Information System, Faculty of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia) [Researchgate]
- Agus Zainal Arifin (Entered to the Ph.D. course in Apr. 2004, and received Ph.D. in Mar. 2007)
- Development of Computer-Aided System for Diagnosing Osteoporosis Using Dental Panoramic Radiographs.
- (Currently, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia) [Web site]
- Yang Lei (楊 磊)(Entered to the Ph.D. course in Apr. 2010, and quit the course in Sep. 2012)
- (Published paper) L. Yang, A. Asano, L. Li, C. Muraki Asano, and T. Kurita, "Multi-structural Texture Analysis Using Mathematical Morphology," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E95-A, 10, 1759-1767 (2012. 10).