共同研究者のひとりである松本歯科大学 田口明教授のこれまでの研究*)で,顎骨について,骨の内部の網目のようになっている細かい骨(お煎餅の内部の状態を想像していただければ分かりやすいと思います)である「骨梁」が減少したり,骨の一番外側にある「皮質骨」が薄く,また細片状になる,という症状が,骨粗鬆症と密接に関係していることがわかっています。この研究では,顎骨・歯の全体を顔の周囲から撮影するパノラマX線写真から骨梁や皮質骨を抽出し,骨梁の密度・走向分布や,皮質骨の厚み・細片化の度合等を測定します。これを使って,骨粗鬆症の診断支援や,年齢その他の要因と骨粗鬆症との関係の研究に役立てることができます。
*) 田口教授らの研究は,2004年の米国レントゲン学会雑誌の12月号に掲載され,事前に全世界にニュースとして配信されて,大きな反響をよびました。くわしくは,以下をごらんください。
- M. S. Kavitha, P. G. Kmar, S. Y. Park, K. H. Huh, M. S. Heo, T. Kurita, A. Asano, S. Y. An, S. I. Chien, "Automatic detection of osteoporosis based on hybrid genetic swarm fuzzy classifier approaches," Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 45, 7 (2016. 6). http://dx.doi.org/10.1259/dmfr.20160076
- 中元崇,田口明,浅野晃,谷本啓二,"パノラマエックス線画像上の下顎骨下縁皮質骨内面の線状の骨吸収像を用いた骨粗鬆症診断支援システムの関心領域選択の自動化", 歯科放射線,54, 2, 15-21 (2014. 10)
- M. S. Kavitha, A. Asano, A. Taguchi, and M. S. Heo, "The combination of a histogram-based clustering algorithm and support vector machine for the diagnosis of osteoporosis," Imaging Science in Dentistry, 43, 3, 153-161 (2013. 9).
- M. S. Kavitha, A. Asano, A. Taguchi, T. Kurita, and M. Sanada, "Diagnosis of osteoporosis from dental panoramic radiographs using the support vector machine method in a computer-aided system,"
BMC Medical Imaging, 12, 1 (2012. 1).
- 中元崇,田口明,浅野晃,Mahmud UZ Zaman, 谷本啓二,"パノラマエックス線画像上の下顎骨下縁皮質骨内面の線状の骨吸収像を用いた骨粗鬆症診断支援システムの再現性と診断精度", 歯科放射線,51, 4, 33-38 (2011. 12).
- M. S. Kavitha, Febriliyan Samopa, A. Asano, A. Taguchi, and M. Sanada, "Computer-aided measurement of mandibular cortical width on dental panoramic radiographs for identifying osteoporosis," Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry, 3, 1, 36-44 (2011. 8).
- Agus Zainal Arifin, Anny Yuniarti, Lutfiani Ratna Dewi, Hudan Studiawan, A. Asano, T. Nakamoto, A. Taguchi, Arifzan Razak, "Computer aided diagnosis for osteoporosis based on trabecular bone analysis using panoramic radiographs," Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 43, 3 (2010. 9).
- T. Nakamoto, A. Taguchi, M. Ohtsuka, Y. Suei, M. Fujita, M. Tsuda, M. Sanada, Y. Kudo, A. Asano, and K. Tanimoto, "A computer-aided diagnosis system to screen for osteoporosis using dental panoramic radiographs," Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 37, 5, 274-281 (2008. 7).
- Agus Zainal Arifin, A. Asano, A. Taguchi, T. Nakamoto, M. Ohtsuka, M. Tsuda, Y. Kudo, and K. Tanimoto, "Use of Fuzzy Neural Network in Diagnosing Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis Based on Dental Panoramic Radiographs," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 11, 8, 1049-1058 (2007. 10).
- Agus Zainal Arifin and A. Asano, "Image Segmentation by Histogram Thresholding Using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis," Pattern Recognition Letters, 27, 13, 1515-1521 (2006. 10).
- Agus Zainal Arifin, A. Asano, A. Taguchi, T. Nakamoto, M. Ohtsuka, M. Tsuda, Y. Kudo, and K. Tanimoto, "Computer-aided system for measuring the mandibular cortical width on dental panoramic radiographs in identifying postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density," Osteoporosis International, 17, 5, 753-759 (2006. 5) (Online issue DOI: 10.1007/s00198-005-0045-2, 2006. 3). [corresponding author]
- 中元崇,浅野晃,田口明,服部政幸,安東宏通,"骨粗鬆症診断支援装置、骨粗鬆症診断支援プログラム、及び骨密度変化部位特定方法",特願2011-266340, 特開2013-116293 (2011. 12. 5出願, 2013. 6. 13公開).
- 浅野晃,ムトゥ スバシュ カヴィタ,リ リャン,フェブリリヤン サモパ,田口明,"骨粗鬆症診断支援装置及び骨粗鬆症診断プログラム", 特願2011-003987, 特開2012-143387 (2011. 1. 12出願, 2012. 8. 2公開).
- 浅野晃,田口明,中元崇,谷本啓二,アグス ザイナル アリフィン,"骨粗鬆症診断支援装置および方法、骨粗鬆症診断支援プログラム、骨粗鬆症診断支援プログラムを記録したコンピュータ読み取り可能な記録媒体、骨粗鬆症診断支援用LSI", 特願2006-213259, 特開2008-036068 (2006. 8. 4出願, 2008. 2. 21公開).
- 浅野晃,田口明,中元崇,谷本啓二,アグス ザイナル アリフィン,"骨粗鬆症診断補助装置", 特許第4956745号(特願2004-304855, PCT/JP2005/019078, WO/2006/043523(特願2006-542985)/2004. 10. 20出願(優先日), 2005. 10. 18 PCT出願, 2006. 4. 27国際公開) ー "Osteoporosis Diagnosis Support Device," US Patent 7,916,921 B2(2011. 3. 29登録)
- 田口明,中元崇,浅野晃,"パノラマX線画像を用いた骨粗鬆症診断支援装置", 特許第3964795号(特願2003-001395, 特開2004-209089/2003. 1. 7出願, 2004. 7. 29公開,2007. 6. 1登録). [科学技術振興機構(JST)有用特許]
- "骨粗しょう症 歯科診療写真で診断", 日本経済新聞2008年2月11日付, 朝刊13版17面(新聞報道).
- Darlis Herumurti, Agus Zainal Arifin, Rully Sulaeman, A. Asano, A. Taguchi, and T. Nakamoto, "Weighted Fuzzy ARTMAP for Osteoporosis Detection," Proc. Sixteenth Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2010), 89-95 (2010. 2).
- Agus Zainal Arifin, A. Asano, A. Taguchi, T. Nakamoto, Anny Yuniarti, Lutfiani R Dewi, and Hudan Studiawan, "Line strength measurement for trabecular bone analysis of mandible on dental panoramic radiographs," Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) 2010. (2010. 1).
- 平原尚也,浅野晃,田口明,中元崇,"骨粗鬆症による顎骨の骨梁構造の変化の歯科パノラマX線写真を用いた分析",電子情報通信学会スマートインフォメディアシステム研究会,広島大学,広島,IEICE-SIS2009-25 (IEICE-109, IEICE-SIS-203) 71-76 (2009. 9).
- A. Asano, T. Tambe, A. Taguchi, C. Muraki Asano, T. Nakamoto, K. Tanimoto, M. Muneyasu, and T. Hinamoto, "Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excluding tooth roots on dental panoramic radiographs using mathematical morphology," Proc. 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2006), 3, 988-991 (2006. 8).
- S. Takano, M. Muneyasu, S. Yoshida, A. Asano, N. Dewake, N. Yoshinari, and K. Uchida, "Application of Adversarial Training in the Detection of Calcification Regions from Dental Panoramic Radiographs," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E108-A, 3, 352-356 (2025. 3).
- K. Kohinata, Y. Ishioka, S. Yamada, N. Sugino, H. Kuroiwa, N. Yoshinari, A. Asano, M. Muneyasu, and K. Uchida, "Study on the Carotid Artery Calcification Appearing on the Panoramic Radiography
and Computed Tomography," Journal of Hard Tissue Biology, 28, 1, 93-96 (2019. 1).
- K. Uchida, N. Sugino, S. Yamada, K. Kuroiwa, N. Yoshinari, A. Asano, A. Taguchi, and M. Muneyasu, "Clinical Significance of Carotid Artery Calcification seen on Panoramic Radiographs," Journal of Hard Tissue Biology, 23, 4, 461-466 (2014. 10).
- K. Shinjo, M. Muneyasu, K. Fujita, A. Asano, A. Taguchi, "Improvement of the Detection Method for Carotid Artery Calcification in Dental Panoramic Radiographs," Proc. 2009 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS2009) 119-122 (2009. 12).
- K. Shinjo, M. Muneyasu, K. Hasegawa, A. Asano, and A. Taguchi, "A Detection Method for Carotid Artery Calcification in Dental Panoramic Radiographs,"
Proc. 2009 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2009), 102-105 (2009. 10).
- A. Taguchi, A. Asano, M. Ohtsuka, T. Nakamoto, Y. Suei, M. Tsuda, Y. Kudo, K. Inagaki, T. Noguchi, K. Tanimoto, R. Jacobs, E. Klemetti, S. C. White, K. Horner, OSPD International Collaborative Group, "Observer Performance in Diagnosing Osteoporosis by Dental Panoramic Radiographs: Results from the Osteoporosis Screening Project in Dentistry (OSPD)," BONE, 43, 1, 209-213 (2008. 7).
- Febriliyan Samopa, A. Asano, and A. Taguchi, "Automatic molar extraction from dental panoramic radiographs for forensic personal identification," IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, E92-D, 11, 2287-2290 (2009. 11).
- Febriliyan Samopa, A. Asano, and A. Taguchi, "Automatic Region-of-Interest Extraction from Dental Panoramic Radiographs for Forensic Personal Identification," Proc. 2nd Korean-Japan Joint Workshop on Pattern Recognition (KJPR2007), (IEICE Tech. Rep. 107, 281) 161-166 (2007. 10).
- A. Asano, S. Hayashi, M. Muneyasu, M. Furumura, and J. Nakayama, "Application of morphological size distribution analysis to the evaluation of anti-aging treatments for skin rejuvenation," Proc. Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2006), 1784-1788 (2006. 9).
- S. Nakamura, A. Yoshida, A. Asano, and T. Hinamoto, "Radiograph Simulation System Using a Virtual Head Phantom," Meeting Abstracts of 90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA04), 814 (2004. 11).