この研究は,名古屋女子大学准教授・浅野(村木)千恵氏の発案によるアイデアにもとづき,北海道教育大・藤本尊子教授のチームが官能検査・画像の取得等の実験を,浅野(村木)千恵氏が統計処理を,浅野晃が画像処理を担当するという広範囲の研究協力体制によって始められました。 以下は,浅野(村木)千恵氏の執筆による研究の紹介です。
- C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, M. Sunayama, S. Takada, and T. Fujimoto, "Visual impressions and tactile feels of white clothing materials," Proc. 6th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2016), No. 187 (2016. 9).
- H. A. Nguyen, C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, and T. Fujimoto, "Drape analysis of fabric based on Fourier descriptor and wavelet transformation," Proc. 6th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2016), No. 130 (2016. 9).
- T. Fujimoto, S. Inoue, M. Murakami, M. Mori, C. Muraki Asano, Y. Yamashita, A. Asano, and C. Murata, "Thermal Properties and Comfort of Plain Knitted Sweaters of Wool and/or Acrylic Yarns," Proc. 6th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2016), No. 67 (2016. 9).
- C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, R. Ouchi, and T. Fujimoto, "A New Evaluation Method for Fabric Wrinkles using the Morphological Technique," Proc. 5th Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research International Conference (KEER2014) (2014. 6).
- C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, M. Muneyasu, and T. Fujimoto, "A New Analysis Method for the Drape Shape of Fabric," Proc. 5th Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research International Conference (KEER2014) (2014. 6).
- T. Fujimoto, M. R. Sunderland, S. K. Tandon, C. M. Asano, A. Asano, C. Murata, and H. Fukuyama, "Measurement of surface property using a special sensor developed for pile materials," Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, 33, 3, 253-257 (2008. 9).
- T. Fujimoto, M. R. Sunderland, S. K. Tandon, C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, C. Murata, and H. Fukuyama, "Measurement of Surface Property Using A Special Sensor Developed for Pile Materials," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2007 (KEER2007), F-1 (2007. 10).
- M. Murakami, C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, T. Fujimoto, S. K. Tandon, S. McNeil, and C. Piper, "Evaluation of Kansei of Clothing Materials: Part I - Visual Impression and Properties of Black Fabrics -," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2007 (KEER2007), F-5 (2007. 10).
- C. Muraki Asano, T. Fujimoto, A. Asano, M. Murakami, S. K. Tandon, S. McNeil, C. Piper, M. Morita, and M. Mori, "Evaluation of Kansei of Clothing Materials: Part II - Texture and Visual Impressions Using Novel Technique -," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2007 (KEER2007), F-6 (2007. 10).
- C. Muraki Asano, M. Morita, T. Fujimoto, A. Asano, S. Tandon, and M. Mori, "Description and identification of texture of clothing materials using image processing method," Extended Abstracts of 35th Textile Research Symposium, 81 (2006. 8).
- C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, M. Muneyasu, and T. Fujimoto, "Analysis and evaluation of visual identification of texture using image processing methods," Proc. Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2006), 1789-1793 (2006. 9).
- C. Muraki Asano, M. Muneyasu, T. Ozeki, A. Asano, and T. Fujimoto, "Application of Fourier sectrum for describing 'formal' of cloths," Proc. 2005 IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP 2005), 19AM2D-02 (2005. 5).
- C. Muraki Asano, S. Hirakawa, and A. Asano, "Exploration of Image Features for Describing Visual Impressions of Black Fabrics," Proc. Eighth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2004) part III, Springer LNAI 3215, 756-763 (2004. 9).
- T. Fujimoto, H. Miyashita, M. Sakamaki, C. M. Asano, and A. Asano, "What is between Textile Art and Clothes," Kansei Engineering International, 4, 4, 1-6 (2004. 8).
- S. Hirakawa, C. Muraki Asano, N. Hamahashi, and A. Asano, "Discriminal Exploration of Image Features for Describing Visual Impressions of Black Fabrics," Design and Application of Hybrid Intelligent Systems (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 104, A. Abraham, et. al., Ed.) 509-518 (2003. 12).
- C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, M. Murakami, M. Mori, and T. Fujimoto, "A Novel Evaluation Method of Visual Impression of Black Fabrics," Journal of the Asian Design International Conference, 1, G-47 (2003. 10).
- M. Kihara, I. Yoshizawa, M. Murakami, C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, and T. Fujimoto, "The Determination of "pure blackness" of the Fabric in Women's Formal Dresses," Proc. 6th Asian Textile Conference, paper no. 265 (2001. 8).
- L. Li, A. Asano, C. Muraki Asano, and K. Okajima, "Statistical Quantification of the Effects of Viewing Distance on Texture Perception," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 30, 7, 1394-1403 (2013. 7).
- X. Y. Guo, C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, and T. Kurita, "Modeling the Perception of Visual Complexity in Texture Images," International Journal of Affective Engineering, 12, 2, 223-231 (2013. 6).
- X. Y. Guo, C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, and T. Kurita, "Modeling Visual Complexity of Textures Associated with Texture Characteristics," Proc. 2012 International Conference of Information Science and Computer Applications (ICISCA 2012), 121-126 (2012. 11).
- X. Y. Guo, C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, T. Kurita, and L. Li, "Analysis of Texture Characteristics Associated with Visual Complexity Perception," Optical Review, 19, 5, 294-305 (2012. 9).
- X. Y. Guo, C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, and T. Kurita, "Analysis of the Perception of Visual Complexity in Texture Images," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2012), 216-223 (2012. 5).
- C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, L. Li, and T. Fujimoto,
"Morphological texture manipulation for the evaluation of human visual sensibility,"
Kansei Engineering International Journal, 10, 1, 11-18 (2010. 12).
- L. Li, A. Asano, and C. Muraki Asano, "Statistical Analysis of Human Visual Impressions on Morphological Image Manipulation of Gray Scale Textures," Optical Review, 17, 2, 90-96 (2010. 3).
- L. Li, A. Asano, and C. Muraki Asano, "Analysis of the Effect of the Viewing Distance in Texture Perception Using Morphological and Statistical Model,"
Proc. 2009 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2009), 125-130 (2009. 10).
- L. Li, A. Asano, and C. Muraki Asano, "Evaluation of Human Visual Impressions in Gray Scale Textures Using Morphological Manipulation," Proc. 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS2008), 114-119 (2008. 9).
- C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, and T. Fujimoto, "Morphological Texture Manipulation and Human Visual Impressions," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2007 (KEER2007), F-8 (2007. 10).
- 浅野(村木)千恵,浅野晃,"視覚的質感",第29回ファジィシステムシンポジウム横幹講演,大阪国際大学,大阪 (2013. 9).
- 浅野(村木)千恵,浅野晃,"視覚的質感とマセマティカル・モルフォロジ",第29回ファジィシステムシンポジウム・「ファジィ温故知新:新しきを識る」企画セッション講演,,大阪国際大学,大阪 (2013. 9).
- T. Fujimoto, R. Ouchi, M. Mori, M. Matsudaira, M. Murakami, C. Muraki Asano, and C. Murata, "Control of Wool Fabric’s Kansei by Various Finishing Methods – Part I Change of Properties of 2/2 Tweed –," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2012), 205-211 (2012. 5).
- M. Murakami, M. Mori, T. Fujimoto, R. Ohuchi, C. Muraki Asano, M. Matsudaira, and C. Murata, "Control of Wool Fabric’s Kansei by Various Finishing Methods – Part II Total Appearance Value (TAV) and Drape –," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2012), 332-337 (2012. 5).
- T. Fujimoto, C. Murata, H. Fukuyama, C. Muraki Asano, and T. Fujimoto, "Device to Measure Three-diimensional Compression Property for Surface KANSEI of Pile Materials," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2010), 1516-1522 (2010. 3).
- C. Muraki Asano, M. Murakami, and T. Fujimoto, "Assessment of Visual Impression of Fabrics with Curved Surfaces," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2010), 1533-1538 (2010. 3).
- M. Murakami, C. Muraki Asano, and T. Fujimoto, "Fashion Design Education to Create New Feeling," Proc. International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2010), 1902-1907 (2010. 3).
- 浅野(村木)千恵,"画像処理による布地の質感評価への新しいアプローチ",せんい(日本繊維機械学会), 56, 6, 254-262 (2003).