- 要素図形の形の特徴
- 粒子の派生のしかた
- 粒子の配列のしかた(空間配置(point configuration))
このモデルでは,上の3項目のうちいずれかに何らかの仮定をすると,他の項目を推定することができます。極端な例をあげれば,「要素図形=粒子がテクスチャそのもので,それを画像の中央の一点に配置」「要素図形=粒子が1画素の点で,空間配置がテクスチャそのもの」というのも正しい推定結果のひとつです。しかし,このような自明な推定結果にはもちろん意味はありません。私たちは,適切な仮定のもとに,図形に対する演算理論のひとつ「マセマティカル・モルフォロジ (mathematical morphology)」と,定めた条件にもっともよくあてはまるパラメータをさがしだす「確率的最適化法」を基礎として,テクスチャ特徴の推定問題に取り組んでいます。
- C. Muraki Asano, A. Asano, and T. Fujimoto, "Application of size distribution analysis to wrinkle evaluation of textile materials," Proc. 13th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM2017) (2017. 5)
- Y. Nabetani, M. Muneyasu, and A. Asano, "Unsupervised Structuring Element Estimation of Morphological Opening and Closing with GA," Proc. 2013 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS2013), 297-302, (2013. 11).
- L. Yang, A. Asano, L. Li, C. Muraki Asano, and T. Kurita, "Multi-structural Texture Analysis Using Mathematical Morphology," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E95-A, 10, 1759-1767 (2012. 10).
- L. Yang, L. Li, C. Muraki Asano, and A. Asano, "Primitive and Grain Estimation using Flexible Magnification for a Morphological Texture Model," Proc. 10th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM2011), Springer LNCS 6671, 190-199 (2011. 7)
- L. Li, A. Asano, C. Muraki Asano, M. Muneyasu, and Y. Hanada, "Dual Primitive Estimation of Textures," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E94-A, 4, 1165-1169 (2011. 4).
- H. Okuno, Y. Hanada, M. Muneyasu, and A. Asano, "An unsupervised optimization of structuring elements for noise removal using GA," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E93-A, 11, 2196-2199 (2010. 11).
- L. Li, C. Muraki Asano, and A. Asano, "Dual Primitive Estimation for Morphological Texture Analysis," Proc. 10th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT2010), 149-152 (2010. 10).
- Y. Hanada, M. Muneyasu, and A. Asano, "Effectiveness of genetic multistep search in unsupervised design of morphological filters for noise removal," 情報処理学会論文誌 数理モデル化と応用, 3, 3, 154-165 (2010. 10).
- Y. Hanada, H. Okuno, M. Muneyasu, and A. Asano, "Application of Genetic Multi-Step Search to Unsupervised Design of Morphological Filters for Noise Removal," Proc. 2009 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS2009) 566-569 (2009. 12).
- A. Asano, M. Saiki, and M. Fujio, "Texture Analysis Based on Mathematical Morphology and MDL Principle," Proc. 2009 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2009) 155-159 (2009. 10).
- H. Okuno, Y. Hanada, M. Muneyasu, and A. Asano, "An Unsupervised Optimization of Structuring Elements for Noise Removal Using GA,"
Proc. 2009 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2009) 144-149 (2009. 10).
- A. Fujiki, A. Asano, and M. Muneyasu, "Unsupervised optimization of morphological filters for noise removal in texture images," Proc. Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2006) 1794-1799 (2006. 9).
- A. Fujiki, A. Asano, and M. Muneyasu, "Unsupervised structuring element optimization of morphological opening for texture images," Proc. 2006 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2006), 711-714 (2006. 9).
- A. Fujiki, T. Hashimoto, M. Muneyasu, and A. Asano, "A design of window shapes and weights in weighted median filters for texture images," Proc. 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ISPACS 2005), 665-668 (2005. 12).
- A. Asano, Y. Kobayashi, C. Muraki, and M. Muneyasu, "Optimization of gray scale morphological opening for noise removal in texture images," Proc. 47th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS2004), 1, 313-316 (2004. 7).
- A. Asano, M. Miyagawa, and M. Fujio, "Morphological texture analysis using optimization of structuring elements," Geometry, Morphology, and Computational Imaging, Springer LNCS 2616, 141-152 (2003. 4).
- 浅野晃,松尾圭昭,藤尾光彦,"最適スケルトンを用いたテクスチャのデータ削減", 情報技術レターズ,1, 143-144 (2002. 9).
- A. Asano, J. Endo, and C. Muraki, "Multiprimitive texture analysis using cluster analysis and morphological size distribution," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E85-A, 9, 2180-2183 (2002. 9).
- 八嶋俊,浅野晃,田口亮,"モルフォロジーフィルタの構造要素による単一特徴テクスチャのモデル化", 信学論A,J85-A, 6, 715-724 (2002. 6).
- A. Asano, Y. Kobayashi, and C. Muraki, "Intersize correlation of grain occurrences in textures and its application to texture regeneration," Mathematical Morphology: 40 years On; Proc. 7th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM'05), 357-366 (2005. 4).
- Y. Kobayashi and A. Asano, "Modification of spatial distribution in Primitive and Point Configuration texture model," Proc. 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Springer LNCS 2749, 877-884 (2003. 7).
- 浅野晃,"マセマティカル・モルフォロジ", 電子情報通信学会「知識ベース」・1群「信号・システム」9編「ディジタル信号処理」4章「非線形信号処理」(2012).
- 浅野晃,"マセマティカル・モルフォロジについて",画像ラボ, 22, 8, 37-43 (2011. 8).
- 浅野晃,"マセマティカルモルフォロジーの思想",Fundamentals Review, 4, 2, 113-122 (2010. 10).
- 浅野晃,延原肇,"マセマティカルモルフォロジ—の基礎と新展開",電子情報通信学会誌, 92, 10, 876-880 (2009. 10).
- A. Asano, M. Fujio, H. Nobuhara, M. Muneyasu, and C. Muraki Asano, "Mathematical morphology - fundamentals and advances," Proc. Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2006), 1630-1635 (2006. 9) [invited talk].
- A. Asano, "Mathematical morphology and its applications," Proc. Information and Communication Technology Seminar 2005, 1-9 (2005. 8). [invited keynote speech]
- 浅野晃,"モルフォロジと形状記述−フィルタリングとテクスチャ解析への応用−", システム/制御/情報, 47, 1 , 18-25 (2003. 1).